Monday, December 5, 2011

The hardware was the hardest

     I have finished a chest of drawers for our master bedroom. My husband is not certain if we will keep if because I tend to change my mind and sell the pieces I claim will be "ours".

     The hardware is new and I love the modern and industrial touch it adds. The handles on the bottom three drawers needed new holes drilled. It was an investment of time to fill in the old holes, measure and drill new holes. Even then, with careful measuring and marking, I still was not right on. So, I had to drill more holes for some and have my husband hold the drawer in place and squeeze the handle so the screws would line up and slide into place.

     The chest itself was sanded, painted, taped-off for striping, distressed a tad, glazed, and sealed. I did not paint any stripes on the side because I thought it'd be too busy. 

          Here is a before shot after I removed original hardware and sanded it down. (See the color swatches on the top?) There are so many great shades of gray! I am sure to use many more of them soon.

          I am so glad this is done, but I loved every step of the process. :)

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