Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spoiler alert!!!

This will spoil my sister's gift! OK, not her gift, but stuff for her kids. I am pretty sure she will forgive me. My mom suggested a theme for gift-giving this year: Home-made, hand-made, and second hand. Well, this fits me just fine! So, here is what my niece and nephew are getting for their tree this year: dino ornaments. 

I re-purposed a couple of my sweaters and made these! The colors are perfect because my sis loves turquoise and green. I wish they were wool so I could have felted them. That would hold up so much better.

This T-rex is for my nephew. I used embroidery floss and stitched them closed with a blanket stitch. Best explanation for that is here on

My niece will get the brontosaurus (or long-neck if you recall the Land Before Time series of movies. I only liked the first one). Sis, if these don't hold up too well, than we can upgrade. :)

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